Output Results

The content in the Output Panel depends on which mode is chosen in the Functionalities of the Input Panels.

Numerical Simulation

outputF1.png Output panel for Numerical Simulation

This panel contains: - the 2D/3D schematics of the optical setup (upper two figures). The upper left contains information of incident angles, lab coordinates and crystal physics coordinate. The upper right contains polarization settings of both polarizer (incident wave at \omega) and analyzer (SHG wave at 2\omega) for generating the SHG polarimetry - SHG polar plots as a function of (\varphi,\psi) (middle two figures) as configured in upper right panel. - The real part of refractive indices as a function of the incident angle (Snell's law) for the fundamental \omega wave (lower left figure) - the ellipticity figure of the incident wave(lower right figure)

Partially Analytical Expression

outputF2.png Output panel for Full Analytical Expression of GaAs (111)

This panel contains partial analytical expressions of output variables assuming symbolic SHG tensor and polarization angle \varphi.
- The meaning of all the symbols are given in the Table. - One can copy the analytical expression by click the Copy button on the left.

Fully Analytical Expression

outputF3.png outputF4.png Output panel for Fully Analytical Expression of GaAs (111)


In the RHP, you can still use Copy to copy equations, though the equations are not displayed.